Information for Latin America
Special consideration
The Margot Fonteyn International Ballet Competition is the Royal Academy of Dance's flagship annual event and it's one of the most prestigious ballet competitions in the world, attracting the finest young dancers trained in the RAD syllabus, from around the globe. Our ambition is to create a truly international platform open to all talented dancers and we aim to make the competition accessible to all dancers from all backgrounds.
To enter the competition a dancer must satisfy several entry criteria, including having achieved distinction in the RAD Advanced 2 Ballet exam. The Royal Academy of Dance is offering special consideration for potential Fonteyn candidates with nationalities from or those currently residing and training within Latin America. This will enable them to enter Advanced 2, without the need to have achieved Intermediate or Advanced 1 in the RAD syllabus, and if they pass Advanced 2 with distinction, they will qualify to enter The Fonteyn 2025.
If you would like to request special consideration to be eligible to enter for the RAD Advanced 2 exam, please read the full information and submit your request before 10 March 2025. After receiving confirmation that they are eligible to take the RAD Advanced 2, candidates should enter for the examination.
Steps to The Fonteyn 2025
Who can take RAD Advanced 2 exam
For a candidate to have access to RAD Advanced 2 they must satisfy one of the following pre-requisites:
have achieved RAD Advanced 1 or
have been given special consideration to take Advanced 2 (see below).
How to enter RAD Advance 2 exam
Only RAD Registered Teachers can enter students for RAD exams. For a teacher to enter a candidate for the RAD Advanced 2 exam they must:
be a current teacher registered with the RAD;
have registered the school and the candidates they wish to enter.
Entry forms can be submitted by another individual (e.g. the school principal), but there must be an RAD Registered Teacher listed on the entry form who is employed or contracted by the school.
The following guidance should also be read: The role of the registered teacher in examinations.
You can enter Advanced 2 in the following ways:
At an AEC – Approved Examination Centre
At an RAV – RAD Approved Venue
By submitting a filmed exam
Please see our website for more information about the regulations and specifications for taking this exam: Brazil | Exames
How to register as an RAD Registered Teacher
If you are a dance teacher, but you are not currently registered with the RAD and/or have not registered the school or the candidates that you wish to enter please contact the RAD Brazil team by emailing mckenny@royalacademyofdance.com.br
How to find an RAD Registered Teacher
If you are a student who is not currently training with an RAD Registered Teacher, please contact mckenny@royalacademyofdance.com.br for advice on how to find an RAD Teacher who can help you prepare for your RAD Advanced 2 exam.
What is the special consideration for
This will enable candidates who have not taken previous RAD exams, to enter Advanced 2 without the need to have achieved Intermediate or Advanced 1 in the RAD syllabus. If they pass Advanced 2 with distinction, they will qualify to enter The Fonteyn 2025.
Who can request special consideration
Special consideration is available for potential candidates with nationalities from or those currently residing and training in any country within Latin America. Candidates must be at least 15 years old and under 19 years old by 19 May 2025.
How to request special consideration
To request special consideration for a candidate to take RAD Advanced 2 exam, schools or teachers of Latin American candidates or candidates residing and training within Latin America should apply and send a video of any interested students to be approved. Applications and videos must be submitted by 10 March 2025.
To submit a request, please fill out the application form available in this page. The video can be shared in any of the following ways:
Uploaded within the application form available in this page.
Uploaded to Vimeo and a link with password provided in your application.
Uploaded to YouTube privately, and a link with password provided in your application.
Shared via WeTransfer to: mckenny@royalacademyofdance.com.br
Response to applications will be given by 24 March 2025
What to include in the video
The video must be shot in landscape orientation and be filmed from the front. It must include the following:
Centre Work
Adage - Développés, grand rond de jambes, promenade in attitude or arabesque, penchés, battement lents
Pirouettes - doubles en dehors, doubles en dedans, pirouettes finishing in attitude or arabesque. May also include posé pirouettes en dehors and en dedans singles and doubles.
Petit allegro - to include batterie
Medium allegro - jetés, sissones doublés, assemblés
Female syllabus:
Pointe enchaînement - échappés, retirés, pirouettes, posé pirouettes, arabesques.
Grand allegro – danced with pointe shoes on - grand jetés, grand jeté en tournant, diagonal of turning steps
Male syllabus:
Double tours - right and left, Turns in second position.
Grand allegro - Cabrioles, entrechat six, grand jetés, grand jeté en tournant, saut de basque.
How to become an RAD Member
Only RAD Members can take part in The Fonteyn. To find out how to apply for membership, please visit the RAD website.
Is financial support for examination available?
The RAD has set up an Exams Bursary to create more opportunities for dancers who may need financial support to enter our exams, to reduce inequality, and to expand our exams into new, under-represented groups globally. All exams are eligible and bursaries are available worldwide.
The application process is open year-round, allowing you to submit applications at any time. However, for Fonteyn candidates, applications must be submitted by 14 April 2025. When applying, please reference Fonteyn in the exam level, such as “Advanced 2 - Fonteyn.”
Please use this link to apply for the bursary: Exams Bursary application